KDGS March 3 Meeting – US National Archives

We have been asked to share the following information about the March 3 meeting of Kelowna and District Genealogy Society:

Did your ancestors live in or pass through the USA? If so, you will want to learn about the records and resources on offer at the National Archives & Records Administration with our speaker from the Seattle Branch of NARA!

March 3: Researching Genealogy at the National Archives & Records Administration (NARA), USA: More than just the Census!

This talk will outline what records NARA maintains with an overview of some of the unique record groups we specifically hold at the National Archives in Seattle. Also, how and which materials can be requested online or via email.

Eric Flores received his Masters of Library and Information Science and graduate certificate in Textual and Digital Studies from the University of Washington, where he is an occasional Lecturer of the course TXTDS 403: Archives, Data, and Databases. He is currently an Archivist with the National Archives at Seattle. Previously, he served as the Vice-Chair for the Seattle Area Archivists (SeArch). He has also volunteered with many archive and library organizations both online and in the Seattle area. He currently lives in Seattle with his wife, two children, two cats, and one dog.

Michelle Criner received her Masters of Library and Information Science degree from the University of Arizona. Currently, she is the Archives Specialist at the National Archives at Seattle. Prior to her work at NARA, she was a Curatorial/Museum Specialist and a Project Archivist through the University of Arizona and the Western Archeological and Conservation Center in Tucson, Arizona. She currently lives in Seattle with her dog, Odin.

Date: Monday, March 3, 2025, 7pm

Presenters: Eric Flores & Michelle Criner

Location: via Zoom

Price: KDGS members FREE; non-members $10; REGISTRATION REQUIRED or https://kdgs.ca/2025/march-2025-general-meeting/ (click on REGISTRATON REQUIRED)

Bite-size: Deciphering Jewish Headstones, presenter KDGS member, Heather Clifton followed by video on Photos to take in a Cemetery, by Lisa Lisson.
