
At Alberta Family Histories Society, we are proud of our publications. Beginning as “the Quarterly” and then known as Chinook, we published an award-winning journal for many years. Unfortunately, due to the challenges of finding a volunteer editor for a journal, we are not currently publishing Chinook. In its place, we offer a shorter newsletter called Chinook Arch.

Chinook Arch

Chinook Arch is our 8-page newsletter which is distributed a few days before each Monthly Meeting. To receive this newsletter by email, contact

We are looking for short articles to publish in Chinook Arch. Favourite relatives, fond family memories, great research tips and tricks, new genealogy technology you love, or any related topics are accepted. Our submission guidelines are available here. For more information or to make a submission, contact

To download the latest issue, click here.

Chinook Arch is available to non-members. If you would like to have our newsletter delivered to your email inbox, use the button below:

Alberta Family Histories Society members have created over 40 years of publications, which are available below.

Chinook Arch

Everyone can access back issues of our newsletter, Chinook Arch (2019 to present)



Members can access back issues of our award-winning journal, Chinook (1993 – 2019)



Members can access back issues of our first journal, Quarterly (1980 – 1993).

Search Our Publications

You can search by Keyword, Author, Surname or Location.

This is a simple, basic search function. For best results:

  • Use as few words as possible. For example, search for “Calgary” instead of “Calgary, Alberta”.
  • Try different words for the same concept. For example, try “DNA” instead of “genetic genealogy”, or “&” instead of “and”.
  • For abbreviations, do not use periods between the letters. For example, use AFHS, DNA, USA, UK, and WW I and WW II for the World Wars.
  • Try alternatives for the same location. For example, try “Britain” instead of “England” or the “United Kingdom”.
  • A keyword search will produce the largest set of results. To reduce the number, try searching in another field, or changing your word order.
Article Title Author Publication Type Year Volume Issue