Resource Centre
Come visit one of our best resources – our Resource Centre! The centre features a number of computer workstations with internet access, photocopier, document and book scanners, and ample meeting space. The largest part of the centre is our extensive genealogical library collection, featuring over 12,000 publications for researchers to access.
We welcome the public at our facility. Our volunteers look forward to helping you discover what we have to offer for your genealogy research.
We are located in Calgary, Alberta, at 712 – 16 Avenue NW. This is a few blocks east of SAIT on the north side of the street. It is in the same building as Radiocrafts. There are parking spaces directly behind the building. Click here to view Google Maps
Online Library Catalogue
Our collection (over 12,000 items) is broad but does have an emphasis on materials pertaining to Alberta, the United Kingdom, Ontario, and the rest of Canada. Our online catalogue includes all books and reference material held in the library.
Hours of Operation
We are open on Thursdays from 10 am to 2 pm and Saturdays from noon to 4 pm. We close on long weekends and at Christmas. Our summer hours vary. Please check the calendar for upcoming open times or closures due to weather. Our phone number is 403-214-1447 if you wish to call to make sure that we are open.
Special opening times can be arranged in advance for out-of-town visitors or other organizations by contacting
Borrowing Material
Unless marked as Reference, items may be signed out by AFHS members for a one-month loan period.
Resources Available
- Journals and newsletters (some in digital format; members can access some of these on our Exchange Journals webpage)
- Family histories
- Local histories
- General reference books
- Maps, atlases, and gazetteers
- In-library access to Newspaper Archive (Canadian newspapers only)
- The collection of Calgary Heritage Branch, Daughters of the American Revolution
- The collection of Calgary Branch, United Empire Loyalist Association of Canada
- Microfiche and microfiche reader
Exchange Journals Program
For many years, Alberta Family Histories Society has participated in journal and newsletter exchanges. We send the organizations a copy of Chinook Arch, and they send us copies of their journals or newsletters. It is becoming more and more common for these exchanges to happen electronically. This has enabled us to make some of these exchange publications available online as a members-only benefit. If you are an Alberta Family Histories Society member, you can access this webpage here.
Copying & Scanning Equipment Available for Member Use
- A multifunction printer/scanner/copier (can scan up to 11 by 17 inches) (Epson ET-16600)
- An overhead scanner (Fuijtsu ScanSnap SV600), great for scanning fragile books or scrapbooks
- A flatbed scanner (17 by 22 inches) which can scan slides and negatives (Epson Perfection V600)
For assistance to use this equipment, set up an appointment by emailing
We are very thankful for donations of family history materials as they are the backbone of our collection. Please read our policy document prior to bringing materials to us. It can be accessed here.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about our library or to volunteer, contact
The AFHS Resource Centre is a treasure trove of genealogy books, journals, biographies, history, maps and family studies. We have desktop computers, scanners and WiFi available for your use. Experienced volunteers are always on hand to assist with questions and research. The building is conveniently located on the 700 block of 16th Avenue N.W. with adjacent parking and nearby restaurants. Visitors are welcome.
Selected Resources from Our Collection
Featured Topics
Books about Alberta

Our catalogue can be searched by keyword, title, author or subject. This is a simple, basic search function. For best results:
- Use as few words as possible. For example, search for “Calgary” instead of “Calgary, Alberta”.
- If your query includes the word “and”, try using “&” instead of “and”.
- A keyword search will produce the largest set of results. To reduce the number, try searching in only the title or subject field.
- Results can also be refined by using a similar term or phrase in the subject search. For example, instead of searching for “genetic genealogy,” search for “DNA.”
Title | Author | Subject | Format | Call No. |