DNA Research finds father

DNA Research finds father

DNA Research finds father. A Calgary man had been searching for his biological father for two years, pouring over family trees and genetic matches.  “I had papers everywhere.  It was all over the floor”.  Finally, through a Toronto match, he found a match,...
DNA Research finds father

WW1 Soldier has Calgarian Connection

A WW1 Soldier has a Calgarian Connection March 30, 2022 – Ottawa – National Defense / Canadian Armed Forces The Department of National Defense and the Canadian Armed Forces have confirmed the identification of remains recovered during a munitions clearing process...
DNA & Manuscript Archeology

DNA & Manuscript Archeology

DNA & Manuscript Archeology Manuscripts hold stories. Most of the time when we study these objects, we concentrate on what’s written on the page – but what if the materials used to create the manuscript could also tell stories? Thanks to recent advances in DNA...