We have been asked to share the following information from the Ukraine Genealogy Group – Edmonton and Area Society:
A reminder of the Saturday, Feb. 15 workshop that this UGG Edmonton society is putting on (to register for) and also to let you know of a couple more events that I found out about after sending out the February newsletter. As I treat, I am also attaching the March Zoom meeting poster. This will officially be sent out at the end of February with the April 2025 newsletter and posted on various Ukraine Genealogy Facebook pages. (Members of this distribution list get the first chance to register for the March Zoom session). Note that I am on my way to booking monthly Zoom sessions until the end of the year (minus a summer break). The EPL workshop is our priority, to fill the room!
- Databases and Digital Content at EPL for Genealogy workshop. Sat., Feb. 15, 10 am – 11:30 am in the Blind Enthusiasm Group Computer Lab at the Stanley A. Milner Library (downtown Edmonton). This is on the second floor, 7 Sir Winston Churchill Square. In-person only. The presentation speaker is Colleen Andriats, Community Librarian at the Stanley A. Milner Library. She will be focusing on EPL’s Digital Genealogical Resources and also mention the EPL-AGS-Internet Archive digitization project.
This will follow with a tour of the North of 52 Collection. Also, if you are interested then we can go to their “Edmonton Then and Now” exhibit. And we can have a post-workshop discussion in the library or nearby café of Second Cup. Elaine has booked her full day to be available to assist you with your research inquiries. The library downtown opens at 9 am to 6 pm on a Saturday. It is rare that this group meets in person, so this is a wonderful opportunity. RSVP: please email Elaine Kalynchuk directly to register for this workshop at kalyna@outlook.com . Capacity is limited to 17 participants. Note that the weather forecast is for -18 on this date. For more information, please click on this link.