Ontario Ancestors Conference & Virtual Bundle

News from our friends at Ontario Ancestors

Not able to be together with us in-person for the Ontario Genealogical Society’s Conference 2024? Well, now you can join us to become a better genealogist…virtually! We have two great ways that you can enjoy parts of our conference without having to come to Toronto. Take advantage of one (or both!) of our new Virtual Bundle or our Artificial Intelligence and Genealogy Day, which is being offered as a Hybrid event.

Announcing our NEW VIRTUAL BUNDLE!

We have created a Virtual Bundle for Conference 2024, so that you too can experience this exceptional genealogy-focused learning opportunity. Our Virtual Bundle gives you the flexibility to view and connect with Conference 2024, on your schedule, and from wherever you are.

Our Virtual Bundle includes:

  • Bonus Tracks – 18+ hours of pre-recorded sessions, most of which are in addition to the in-person conference programme;
  • Conference Syllabus – Access to the downloadable collection of all of the presentation materials from each of our un-recorded weekend conference sessions;
  • Plenary Recordings – View recordings of our live plenary sessions from the Opening (Mags Gaulden), our Banquet (Paul Jones) and our Closing (Diahan Southard) presentations;
  • Hall of Ancestors – Add your family information and access the world map and database to see if you can connect with any cousins.

Super low price for six weeks of access!

That’s the best part…the entire Virtual Bundle is available for JUST $49 (CDN) or less than $36 (US)! This is tremendous value for your money! And, all of the Virtual Bundle materials will be available starting early in June (Syllabus) up until August 1, 2024. You have six weeks to virtually participate in Conference 2024!

NEW! Artificial Intelligence and Genealogy Day goes HYBRID!

We have recently decided to make our Artificial Intelligence and Genealogy Day a hybrid event. That means that you can purchase your virtual pass to attend it live on Zoom on Thursday, June 13, 2024. During the session, you will be able to interact with, and ask questions of, our speakers. Registration for the event will also include access to the recording, so that if you cannot participate on that day, you can watch it at a time (or times!) that are convenient for you.

Value for money and six weeks of access

This mini-conference is sure to be an eye-opening experience and is available for just $99 (CDN) or less than $75 (US). As with the Virtual Bundle, access to the recording will be available until August 1, 2024.


Visit our website at https://conference2024.ogs.on.ca!

Links to all the detailed information for the Virtual Bundle and the AI and Genealogy Day can be found on the home page of the website. We hope that you will join us, virtually, in June for the OGS Conference 2024!

Visit our Registration Page